Thursday, August 07, 2008

Go Paris Go!

Now, living in a Blue State, I don't see too many McCain ads. He doesn't waste him money advertising in San Francisco.
So I read headlines about them on my Google News page - and only the headlines, as I'm sure we'll be seeing many accusations and insults hurled from both sides. I did find it odd that McCain was calling Obama a celebrity. Is John McCain trying to say he's not so well known that he can't be considered famous? What is he going to say next, "Obama's just a web presence" - oh wait, McCain wouldn't know, as he can't figure out how to get on to the internet.
But I did see this response from Paris:
Which was utterly fantastic. Funny and real. How great would it be if she started a regular campaign? What a breath of fresh air! We could see her response to the issues we care about and target McCain directly. If a "I'm Hot" young woman could take down the heir to the BushCo board, I think many youth would be much more interested in politics.

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