Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hong Kong

I'm a bit tipsy... so this post might not make much sense.

I'm in Hong Kong. I'm in love with this city. Amazing. Beautiful. Hills. Skyscrapers. Fog. Narrow streets with cool bars. I'm in heaven. Like San Francisco mixed with Manhattan - what could be better?

My favorite person in San Diego wrote this poem that totally describes air travel.

Seated at the bar with the
Close-cropped Business types
With their sky-blue shirts
And bulging beltlines, their
Sports pages and cell phones
the TV news mutters in the
Background, the overhead
Voice chimes in polite reminders
About heightened security
Smoking is prohibited in the
Terminal area, do not transport
Any item for someone you
Don't well
Do any of these fish-eyed
Whiteys really know the
John or Bill or Jim on
The next barstool and would
They suspect there's a Poem
Being crafted in the shadow
Of this spicy Bloody Mary?
Probably not.
Bless the little-typer
And cheers to you.

I was TERRIFED to get on the plane to China. Scared out of my mind. Ended up calling a friend to talk me onto the plane he gave me soothing words. I tried to pacify myself with Duty Free - should have bought more wine. Only because it is difficult to get CA wine here in Hong Kong.

I should go to bed. It is 1:45 AM here and 10:45 in San Francisco.

The room is spinning. There are three glasses of wine and I have no idea which belongs to me.

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