Sunday, January 13, 2008

Topical Blog

Friday night Greg and I went out to the movies. We saw Walk Hard. I found it remarkably amusing and very silly. Before the movie, I was online checking times via

Seeing Fandango reminded me of the Fandango crew I camped with at burningman. I have been out of touch with most of them for a few months now. So I looked up to see that they are still doing there thing. I peeked around a few of the blogs of Fandango-ites and was reading a few entries.

What struck me was how varied the blog topics were. My blog is mainly focused on me, my activities and follies. Whereas others write about much more outwardly focused ideas. Books, neighborhoods, recent events.

All in all, I got to feeling a bit like my blog wasn't that interesting. A hint of insecurity crept in about my writing. Not about the writing itself - I do spell check. Instead about how I'm writing about me. Then again, I don't suppose anyone is reading this aside from Clem in England and my cousin Dania who takes and occasional peek.

So, what should I write about? The presidential election? Nah, its got enough coverage. My neighborhood? Nah, it isn't that interesting. It is beautiful. I didn't realize how neat my 'hood was until I started getting out and seeing it twice a day. The sun rise of over Oakland is stunning. I'm learning the tides. I've seen the ocean full and empty. Walking at dusk, with the holiday lighting on the buildings was like taking a slug of happy.

My best idea is to move this to be more of a chronicle about things that are good. Good people. Good actions. Sunshine. Dania & Clem - stay tuned.

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