Sunday, March 01, 2009

Written on the Body

Today Marc & I did 12 miles on the treadmill. As you all know, we're training for a May Marathon and our goal today was to transport our bodies over the equivalent of 12 miles. We had wanted to take the dogs for a hike for some of the trek, but the weather was wet & gray when we woke and our only training option was the gym.

In addition to the gym, I've returned to weight watchers. While I'm no big fan of portion control, I do believe it is the healthiest way to get down a size or two. With the combination of marathon training & healthy eating, I'm targeting a BMI of 22 or 23. Which would be amazing for me. I'm below 25 - which qualifies me as No Longer Obese. I'm down to about 23% body fat - another clear sign of No Longer Obese. Yippee.

The strangest thing is the subtle changes in the physique. I'm slimming down in different places - this time my arms have more definition that I've seen in the past. My coworker was harassing me the other day when I went to the office in a sleeveless shirt. Evidently my guns are looking pretty cut. I didn't think much of it until this morning when, while drying my hair, I saw the birth control in my arm. The little match stick was articulated from beneath the skin. Not the most attractive thing, yet I did feel a little bit proud.

We'll see if I can fight my way down to the svelte figure I want. Keep those fingers crossed for me.

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