Friday, October 20, 2006

This puts Gavin's preference for bimbos in perspective...

So we all know about how Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, has been accused of sexual assault by 10 women. That is unfortunate. But it only caused Ehud to rise in Vladimir Putin's. Vlad commented, "He turned out to be a strong man, raped 10 women,". It is so amazingly terrible, I can only laugh... And then work on figuring out how to over-throw the Russian government.
They are trying to spin it, but it is difficult...,,1927726,00.html

But then it only gets better...
Out here in California it seems that the Republicans have requested that one of their candidates pull out of a race. His staff sent a letter to Hispanic voters threatening them with jail if they went to the polls.

Do only idiots run for office? Though I am developing a theory about men who are interested in holding public office. I'm nearly convinced that something in the genes of men who seek power is also a trigger for sexual domination as well. My beloved Clinton - total slut, Foley - pedophile, Ehud - rapist, Vlad - well, we don't yet know, or they might kill us if we find out... the list is long.


Anonymous said...

My Dear Jennifer,

I both love and lust after you and have nothing but the highest respect for your intellect, but frankly, I think you might be the one with the issues here, and not the Honorable Mr. Newsom.

She is at least 19. Perhaps 20. In no scenario is she under 16, or even 18. Which means - much like Monica Lewinsky - she's a consenting adult who has entered into a relationship with another consenting adult. So my question to you is, what prejudices do you hold about men that cause you to consider a man engaged in a consenting relationship with a younger adult woman to be predatory by definition?

Don't you trust women to make their own decisions? Don't you hold women to the same level of personal responsibility to which you hold men? At what age is a woman responsible for her own decisions - if it's not 18, then should it be 21? 25? Should they remain the property of their fathers to protect them until they are given away in marriage?

It's patronizing and insulting to both Gavin Newson and the lady that you infer something less than savory in their relationship. Or if I misread you, at least you're of the impression that it must be, by definition, less than satisfying merely because he's an older man and she a younger woman.

While I happen to agree that it's unlikely to be mentally stimulating - from personal experience I find women under 24 to be practically un-listenable to - that's not a rule but rather an axiom of mine borne of experience. I'm sure there are many charming and intelligent young women who would change my opinion on that point.

Your opinion on the matter indicates an a priori disgust with men who are unwilling to date within their age bracket, which were I a young woman - in addition to looking at myself naked for hours at a time - I would be offended by that remark. The clear implication is that young women have nothing to offer other than sex, and are solely desirable for satisfying the lust of the men who are exploiting them.

As a young woman who has a hell of a lot to offer men in addition to merely satisfying male lust, I'm surprised that you would hold that opinion.

In addition to being phenomenally, incalculably sexy, you're also sexist! I would never have guessed.

For shame.

Jen DeLano said...


Thank you for suggesting that, at 24, I would be a stimulating companion for a man in his 40's. Yet I hardly believe that I would be stimulating much more than his loins and ego. Even at that age, I would have been suspicious of his motives.

I don't think it is predatory, but instead, sad. What I see is a man looking to flatter his self-image.

They are consenting adults. They are free to do what they please, and as a public figure, we are free to have opinions about it. She's getting the better end of the bargin - her face is in the media, this could jump-start her career. While he looks like he isn't together enough to date someone his equal.

I have a very hard time believing that someone at 20 could be an equal to someone 40. The only way I can see a 40 year old (male or female) being equal to a 20 year old (female or male) is if the 40 year old never grew up.

Sexist? I see older gay guys who go after the adonis boys equally as repugnant. Dating when one person is 2x the age of the other is gross and sad.
