Monday, April 06, 2009

Composting Revised

I had an exciting Birthday filled with fun.
Marc got me motorcycling lessons and then let me ride his Harley. Which was fun, until I got to the end of the block and dropped it. This must be love - he was actually more worried about me than the bike! Not only that, but he sent me out on it again the next day. I did better then. It is MUCH heavier than the scooter I had and, likewise, much harder to handle when going slow or stopped.

Then Marc & I enjoyed dinner at Jardinere on Monday night. Which was good, but Marc didn't much care for the flight of Grappa I insisted on enjoyed after dinner. He let me enjoy it all... I guess that is a blessing in disguise.

Tuesday - the actual birthday - I had lunch with my mom & brother. Warren discussed how much of a disaster the current state of real estate is and how close he is to the poor house while heckling me for considering myself environmentally friendly just because I compost & make my own yogurt. My mother and I recollected about a lovely trip we had to Louisiana 21 years ago for my 13th birthday. Much fun.

On the other hand, Marc did encourage my environmental ambitions - he got me a worm composter! After you, kind readers, have endured my trials with the NatureMill, we're starting in on a worm farm. Should be fun! I have assembled the housing and am amassing the scraps needed. Last night's dinner helped a lot in that regard - I had Dad, Cathy, little brother and sister-in-law over.

The highlight, aside from the company of course, was the fantastic black bottom cupcakes. So good! We had the a la mode, in honor of late Grandfather Jim. And I had a card addressed to, "Jennifer Mercy DeLano, Jr" Not sure about that last bit... need to ask Dad about it.

But BCD was super generous with a gift of a circular saw - this is to assist my vegetable garden ambitions. He also promised 1 day of home improvement labor.... should be fun. I'd love to have him & Kate out again. Earlier yesterday, Marc & I got the lumbar and hardware needed to make a veggie plot. On Saturday I dug up the sod and flipped it over, per the instructions in my garden book. This weekend we'll build the frame and then I hope start to fill in the bit with top soil. Then I'll need to pick the beggies - I also need to get the worms for my worm compost house. Should be fun. I never thought I'd enjoy such mundane & wholesome activities!

In all, quite a happy way to start the next trip around the sun.

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