Monday, August 27, 2007


The new home has been a doubling as a hotel for a few weeks. We've had two Scotsmen, 1 Californian and my beloved Cousin Nathan come visit in the last six weeks.

Thankfully, our couch is quite comfortable, as our guests can choose between it and our air mattress. Not that glamorous, but I'm happy to host. So far, everyone has been quite generous with their appreciation for our limited hosting resources.

The most recent visit was Cousin Nate. Nathan takes advantage of his position as a Delta pilot by spending most of his time traveling. I believe he is down in Rio now enjoying the Latin lifestyle. His sense of humor matches mine - thinking of him make me laugh, well, in a good way.

Nathan wasn't the only cousin visiting. This summer Dania is doing an internship with a large international back and so is living in San Francisco with her husband Chris. The Kansas City Cousins, David & Lauren flew out to join in the fun. Brothers & Sisters-in-Law made themselves available for social activities. Dad and Cathy put on a LOVELY lunch - with yummy, yummy food that had me forgetting my current diet. The Cousin Crew hopped on the noon ferry from San Francisco up to Sausalito for the lunch. Unlike most August San Francisco days, we were totally without fog. Having had some bone chilling ferry rides in the past, I pushed Greg to bring a coat. However, he ended up carrying the coat and sporting a sunburn... oops.

The next day a limited Cousin Crew (Dania, David, Nathan, Lauren and myself) did a march from Crissy Fields to the Golden Gate Bridge. Chrissy Fields started out as a grass landing field and served as a military landing area for several decades. The last decade, they pulled out the airfield and restored the natural habitat. I have a few memories from childhood of watching air shows from there - the cousins were amazed, looking at the green grass, lagoon and restored habitat.

Monday I had scheduled a day off and enjoyed time with Lauren & David. We went down to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. I was entranced by a photography exhibit by Martin Munkacsi. Go check it out - just amazing photos. I went back last week with my mother to have more time to enjoy the photos. Later in that visit, we found another stunning piece. Anthony McCall built a magical experience out of smoke and light called You and I, Horizontal. The title doesn't match the work.

After they left, things at the loft quieted down. Greg and I have been focusing on this new endeavor. More on that later.

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