Friday, December 12, 2008

Uneducated Auto Bail Out Opinion

So I was just reading this:

Bush May Tap Wall St. Bailout Fund For Automakers

When I first read the headline, I thought hallelujah! Bush is calling for the Market to Fix itself. For our Capitalist giants to be required to bend to the laws of supply & demand - specifically, if you supply crappy product, you will find that the demand is equally as crappy. But no. Our Lame-duck President is trying to give away our string-free tax dollar allocation to the auto industry. This president's affection for lack of regulation is really working well for us, isn't it?

Now, I understand that idea of "too big to fail" and that there are ripple effects to letting these badly managed antiquated behemoths flounder. And I do think that we need to step in to help the situation. We do not want to see so many laborers & the economies that are based on the auto industry jobs crumble.

I believe we should give them money and I want a web of strings attached. I want ALL vehicles gas powered vehicles to have 50 MGP or higher. I want 50% of their fleet to be zero emmisions/electric/hydrogen - or get powered some other way than oil - and when I say Zero Emissions, I'm not talking about Bush's EPA's Zero-emmission. I want REAL zero emmissions - we can talk to the Europeans about this, as they seem to have a better grip on it. I want them to develop & nearly give out engine modifications to existing models to increase fuel efficiency and/or swap out internal combustion engines with a new, better, cleaner solution. It is not impossible. They just don't want to do it.

I want adult educaiton for their workers - they have a bloated workforce and they need to provide training for them to do other things. I want their Executive to Labor salary ration to be less than 200 to 1. I want the corporate jets to go - the executive bathrooms... they need to flatten out just like the rest of the companies out there.

I want my tax dollars to be used to maximum effect - if I'm going to bail out the auto-industry, I expect that it is going to re-invent, not only how we power our transportation, but revolutionize transportation. They should be required to re-education its workers so that they can do more for the company. How much untapped talent do we have?

These dollars should be tied to making America the World Leader in engine innovation. Do it better, faster, cheaper and cleaner. We can do it. I have faith in America.

I do not want one cent to be given to them if they have this idea that it will just let them be business as usual. The CEO's said they'd work for $1 - but they never said how much stock they were going to get. Is the company going to continue to pay for their cars? Can we get rid of their drivers too?

We need to help - we just can't allow our country, our auto-industry or our economy to keep on this wrong track.

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