Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holiday in Cube Land

My company has decided to have a contest to see who can best decorate their cube for the holidays. I've decided to participate in this competition. Tonight I plan to wrap my cube. I've got gold bow(the type for the top of a tree) and ribbon to cover the seam. I'm going to get a animated, lit polar bear who will have his little nose peeking out into the aisle. Then we've got a couples strands of lights and ornaments from here to Tuesday.

The reasoning behind this: My apartment isn't ready for a tree and I want to do something with my holiday decorations. I just found a couple ornaments that are on the side of hideous. Wow, it is amazing the icky things that get created in this world.

Tonight's plan - leave work and then return to do the decoration. Not quite sure how I'm going to make this happen. I'll see if I can post pictures.

The prize: A night in a fancy hotel the night of our holiday/January kick-off company party.

Wish me luck.

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